Announcement : 

PARENTS PLP MEETING HELD @ MT RICHMOND SPECIALIST SCHOOL BASE. EARLY SCHOOL CLOSURE on Thursday 13th February @ 1.30pm for our students.  Our school will be closing at 1.30pm, students will begin boarding their taxis from 1.30pm from the base and satellite classes.  


Nau mai haere mai ki te whānau

Mt Richmond
Specialist School

Ko te ao o a tātou ākonga, ko ngā mea ka taea e rātou
Our students will be all they can be

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti ārahia o tātou mahi.
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work.

Talofa, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia orana, Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Ni hao, Tēna tatou katoa.

Mt Richmond is a school dedicated to providing specialised, quality learning programmes to meet the unique, individual needs of our ākonga.  We value the importance of “whakawhanaungatanga” and ongoing collaborative partnerships with our whānau to reach the best outcomes for all our ākonga.  

We have an enthusiastic and passionate team of teachers, therapists, learning assistants, social worker, healthcare assistant, leadership and administration staff who work together to ensure our whānau are welcomed and feel part of the team and all of our learners flourish.  We provide a Specialist Teacher Outreach Service, which supports ORS-funded students to be fully included in their mainstream schools. We cater for students aged 5-21 years old.  All our students are funded under the Ministry of Education’s Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) for Special Education. Our base school is in the culturally rich hub of Otahuhu with satellite classes at 7 host schools – Flat Bush, Bairds Mainfreight School, Te Uho o Te Nikau, Rongomai, Ormiston Primary, Papatoetoe Intermediate and Sir Edmund Hilary Collegiate.  

Mauri oho, Mauri tu, Mauri ora


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