Announcement : 

Enjoy the break with your loved ones! Be safe, be well. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025. School will resume for our students on Thursday 30th January 2025



Parents and Caregivers are welcome to come and visit the school before making a decision to enrol. The appropriate class placement is usually determined after a discussion with whānau, professionals and dependent on previous placements. All new students are enrolled by the Transition Co-ordinator who will assist the family/whānau  to complete the school information and related paperwork.

A transition meeting introduces the family to key staff members and allows a sharing of information, classroom visit dates to be set and a start date agreed upon. Personnel from other agencies, such as GSE, ECE centre, previous schools, may be invited to be involved. We hope that this will allow the new student and their family to adjust to starting school with a minimum of stress.

Students enrolled at satellite classes are encouraged to wear the uniform of the host school. The base school do not currently have a compulsory school uniform.

Transport is arranged and provided through the MoE. Currently Auckland Co-op Taxi Society Limited is used to transport all our students. Families are contacted prior to start regarding times and responsibilities for daily drop off and pick up.

Attendance at school is compulsory for all students aged 6 – 16 years of age.

For further information contact Margaret Quinn: or (09) 259 1425 ext 706

Flowchart Enrolment Process 2024 – Google Docs.pdf

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