Announcement : 

Enjoy the break with your loved ones! Be safe, be well. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025. School will resume for our students on Thursday 30th January 2025



Kura Boards are the governing body of our Kura and play an integral role in the educational achievement of our ākonga.

Our Kura has a group of committed and professional mātua, kaimahi and community members working closely with the Tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for our ākonga.

Juanita Corbett (School Tumuaki) 

Joe Govender (Deputy Tumuaki)
Sandhya (Sandy) Jattan (Hēkeretari) 
Pat Kadarmia (Staff Rep)
Eion Lawless (Tiamana)
Henry Paoo (Presiding members)
Jane Young (Presiding members)
Raj Pahuja (Presiding members)
Mt Richmond School Logo


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